Annual General Meeting – Voting Form
At the 2022 AGM members are being asked to vote on two proposals to modify our Governance Rules :
- Agenda Item 6. Proposal from the Committee that Society Rule 5 be amended by deleting the words “which shall be the first meeting held within the Society Year”.
(The timing of the AGM is specified in Society Rule 11, so does not need to be mentioned in Rule 5) - Agenda Item 7. Proposal from the Committee that Society Rule 11 be amended by adding the words “The quorum for the AGM shall be eight members, of whom four must be Committee Members”.
(At present a quorum is stated for Committee meetings (four), but not for AGMs. This proposal corrects that)
Please indicate your approval or not to these proposals by completing the on-line Form below. Your votes need to be with us by 8th April.